作者:凯鲁嘎吉 - 博客园
1. 归一化互信息(Normalized Mutual information)

- function MIhat = nmi(A, B)
- %NMI Normalized mutual information
- % A, B: 1*N;
- if length(A) ~= length(B)
- error('length( A ) must == length( B)');
- end
- N = length(A);
- A_id = unique(A);
- K_A = length(A_id);
- B_id = unique(B);
- K_B = length(B_id);
- % Mutual information
- A_occur = double (repmat( A, K_A, 1) == repmat( A_id', 1, N ));
- B_occur = double (repmat( B, K_B, 1) == repmat( B_id', 1, N ));
- AB_occur = A_occur * B_occur';
- P_A= sum(A_occur') / N;
- P_B = sum(B_occur') / N;
- P_AB = AB_occur / N;
- MImatrix = P_AB .* log(P_AB ./(P_A' * P_B)+eps);
- MI = sum(MImatrix(:));
- % Entropies
- H_A = -sum(P_A .* log(P_A + eps),2);
- H_B= -sum(P_B .* log(P_B + eps),2);
- %Normalized Mutual information
- MIhat = MI / sqrt(H_A*H_B);
- >> A = [1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3];
- >> B = [1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 3 3 3];
- >> MIhat = nmi(A, B)
- MIhat =
- 0.3646
2. Rand统计量(Rand index)

- function [AR,RI,MI,HI]=RandIndex(c1,c2)
- %RANDINDEX - calculates Rand Indices to compare two partitions
- % ARI=RANDINDEX(c1,c2), where c1,c2 are vectors listing the
- % class membership, returns the "Hubert & Arabie adjusted Rand index".
- % [AR,RI,MI,HI]=RANDINDEX(c1,c2) returns the adjusted Rand index,
- % the unadjusted Rand index, "Mirkin's" index and "Hubert's" index.
- if nargin < 2 || min(size(c1)) > 1 || min(size(c2)) > 1
- error('RandIndex: Requires two vector arguments')
- return
- end
- C=Contingency(c1,c2); %form contingency matrix
- n=sum(sum(C));
- nis=sum(sum(C,2).^2); %sum of squares of sums of rows
- njs=sum(sum(C,1).^2); %sum of squares of sums of columns
- t1=nchoosek(n,2); %total number of pairs of entities
- t2=sum(sum(C.^2)); %sum over rows & columnns of nij^2
- t3=.5*(nis+njs);
- %Expected index (for adjustment)
- nc=(n*(n^2+1)-(n+1)*nis-(n+1)*njs+2*(nis*njs)/n)/(2*(n-1));
- A=t1+t2-t3; %no. agreements
- D= -t2+t3; %no. disagreements
- if t1==nc
- AR=0; %avoid division by zero; if k=1, define Rand = 0
- else
- AR=(A-nc)/(t1-nc); %adjusted Rand - Hubert & Arabie 1985
- end
- RI=A/t1; %Rand 1971 %Probability of agreement
- MI=D/t1; %Mirkin 1970 %p(disagreement)
- HI=(A-D)/t1; %Hubert 1977 %p(agree)-p(disagree)
- function Cont=Contingency(Mem1,Mem2)
- if nargin < 2 || min(size(Mem1)) > 1 || min(size(Mem2)) > 1
- error('Contingency: Requires two vector arguments')
- return
- end
- Cont=zeros(max(Mem1),max(Mem2));
- for i = 1:length(Mem1)
- Cont(Mem1(i),Mem2(i))=Cont(Mem1(i),Mem2(i))+1;
- end
程序中包含了四种聚类度量方法:Adjusted Rand index、Rand index、Mirkin index、Hubert index。
- >> A = [1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3];
- >> B = [1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 3 3 3];
- >> [AR,RI,MI,HI]=RandIndex(A,B)
- AR =
- 0.2429
- RI =
- 0.6765
- MI =
- 0.3235
- HI =
- 0.3529
3. 参考文献
(simple) Tool for estimating the number of clusters
Mutual information and Normalized Mutual information 互信息和标准化互信息
Evaluation of clustering